They Deserve Better: Corporate Gifts That Show You Care

By Kurt Hoge

Kurt Hoge

Kurt Hoge

While everything about 2020 has shifted, the importance of showing gratitude has not changed as we approach the holidays. In fact, companies lucky enough to ride out the storms of COVID-19 are realizing their clients and their team members deserve care and gratitude even more so than in years past. 

And while it can certainly be daunting trying to find ways to plan for everyone your company needs to recognize, there’s a blend of gift giving classics and new, unique offerings guaranteed to bring about smiles at your upcoming virtual holiday party. 

Tech Is A Go-To

You can’t go wrong with technology. It’s a safe bet most folks on your list have tech and most will be excited to improve what they own with a new addition. The best advice when buying technology for others? The less wires, the better. Look to products like bluetooth speakers,  earbuds, and wireless chargers. Some products even merge these features like a combination speaker and charger. 

COVID-Conscious Gift

Giving a COVID-related gift goes far beyond the sentiment of following a trend; it demonstrates your business is still taking the pandemic seriously and health is a priority. However, it is a difficult balance to get a gift not too on-the-nose. One such product we’ve seen garner a lot of success outside the normal wipes and soap products is a UV phone sanitizer. Phones are some of the dirtiest items we own and a phone sanitizer will clean the rest of your everyday-carry items (wallet, keys, etc.) with UV light. You’ll remain ahead of the curve with a product that applies and adds value for nearly everyone. 

Sustainable Gifts

As consumers continue to influence purchasing and the sourcing of sustainable products, employees are vocalizing more and more that responsibly sourced purchases are high-value. Not only can you get sustainable clothing and textiles—which we typically hear are employee favorites—, but there are eye-catching home and kitchen products made of bamboo. It’s worth exploring your options in this green arena as it could be incredibly well-received and, of course, responsible for the planet. 

Remember Who Matters: Clients and Your Team
The most important part of any corporate gift is the feeling your recipient gets when they receive it. If your team is anything like mine, they’ve spent hours working overtime or puzzling out how to accomplish objectives with drastically different operating standards. One of the biggest trends we’re seeing right now is companies that are opting to invest in gifts clearly demonstrating the next-level gratitude to the employees responsible for keeping the company afloat and the lights (albeit home office lights) on. 

If you have had clients like ours, then you know they value the work you do on their behalf and your company’s ability to add value during such a difficult time. 

Finding gifts that clearly impart how much you value those of import to you could go farther this year than you may realize. Stress levels and work-related burnout are on the rise during COVID-19, and something as simple as a well thought-out gift can be a much-needed bright spot. 

Kurt Hoge is president of sales at Reno Type, responsible for the sales and marketing efforts of the company. Kurt is primarily responsible for the sales and marketing efforts of the company. He spends a lot of time on the phone and even more in “Doug,” the Subaru Outback, visiting existing and prospective clients. For more ideas on how to make your corporate gifts genuine to your workers, visit

Chris Ewing